How to get people to open your email newsletter each week

7 tips to increase email campaign open rates.

Growing and nurturing your email list is an important part to any small business marketing plan.

The problem is, the average email open rate is below 30%! And if people aren’t opening your emails, all your efforts fall flat.

Here are 7 tips to help get readers opening your emails each week:

1. Stick to ONE thing per email

When it comes to information, we’re all drinking from a fire hose. Help readers focus by choosing one topic or message per email. You’ll see a higher conversion rate than going down 5 rabbit holes at once. 

2. Send at a regular time 

People like their routines. Experiment with a time that works for your customers, then stick with it. This helps customers know when to expect to hear from you, and it also helps you stick to a schedule of creating content.

3. Use a clean template 

A clunky or complicated layout only adds effort to the reader to decipher your content. Choose a minimal template, pick ONE alignment (left align best for reading), keep colours and headers consistent. Image size matters too — the larger your email is the slower it loads and the more likely it will end up in spam. 

4. Use short paragraphs and 1.5 spacing 

It’s rare for people to sit down read your email word-for-word over a coffee. Most people skim read emails on their phone and on-the-go. So make it easy to read with short sentences broken into paragraphs and 1.5 line height spacing. 

5. Build suspense in the subject line

Suspense drives action. TV shows finish with a cliff-hanger to get you to watch on. The same can be applied to your email subject line. For example: “The #1 mistake business owners make with SEO”. I bet you’re curious what the answer is. 

6. Make it personal 

People want to know who they’re doing business with. Small businesses have this personal advantage over big businesses. Send from (eg. john@) and sign emails off with a name. And start with your readers name in the intro using dynamic tags. In the book How To Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie says that a person's name is (to that person) the sweetest and most important sound in any language. 

7. Just use MailerLite 

Email marketing is 10x easier when you have the right tool. At Leader Web, our team have  tried and tested email marketing tools including: MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Hubspot, MailerLite and SendinBlue. We’ve found MailerLite to be the best tool of the bunch. 

According to EmailToolTester, MailerLite ranked #1 for email deliverability — landing in 96% of all inboxes. They were also the least likely to be flagged as spam. Switching to MailerLite is an easy quick-win for getting more emails opened. 

Written by Lachlan Nicolson
Need help with your email marketing? 📧

Further Reading:  8 best practices to improve email deliverability (by MailerLite) 


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